WhatsApp: The solution?

I previously wrote about my strong disliking of Facebook but revealed the “best” way round it. However times have changed and with the audio and broadcast industry defaulting to WhatsApp for communication so must I and this time... I'm almost on board.

UPDATE: Now I must preface by saying I do still have a work Facebook account but I rarely use it. When I do use it, I use the NEW official Tor browser app (Available on: Playstore/F-Droid (Preferred)) or the good ol' desktop Tor browser using Facebook's hidden site facebookcorewwwi.onion. I still recommend using my previous post if you NEED Facebook on your phone!

Also WhatsApp is created by Facebook, so not great but it does have some tasty features...



You can be as secure as you want your end but the issue then becomes the OTHER people in your chat. WhatsApp by default saves a copy of your encrypted messages to Google/Apple/Microsoft's backup service. Ughh! This can be kinda circumvented by...


WhatsApp is one of the 'best' commonly used messaging apps out there and if you can't use an alternative like Signal or Keybase. It's just a good idea in general to treat whatever you send or post like an open letter. DON'T post anything sensitive on it. It's probably overly paranoid to suggest that Facebook reads all your WhatsApp messages but hey! Also with the recent WhatsApp hacks and exploits [3], it never hurts to be safe!


[1] https://scontent.whatsapp.net/v/t61/68135620_760356657751682_6212997528851833559_n.pdf/WhatsApp-Security-Whitepaper.pdf?_nc_sid=41cc27&_nc_ohc=NBTA-txayNsAX-xbRaX&_nc_ht=scontent.whatsapp.net&oh=3cd37dbd496d40f6dadd0dd475454681&oe=5E62B5A5 [2] https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.197.pdf [3] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/may/14/whatsapp-hack-have-i-been-affected-and-what-should-i-do

#Facebook #WhatsApp #Privacy #encryption #OnionShare #Tresorit #Firefox #Signal #e2e #Syncthing #PGP #AES256 #TorBrowser #Tor #LineageOS